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43rd AIVC conference "Ventilation, IEQ and health in sustainable buildings"

The 43rd AIVC conference "Ventilation, IEQ and health in sustainable buildings" was hold on 4 & 5 October 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark together with the 11th TightVent conference and the 9th venticool conference. The conference took place at Aalborg University Copenhagen.
Our representative Andrejs Nitijevskis presented our work "Building and Ductwork airtightness in Latvia: national trends and requirements". For conference programm and presentations you can visit

Welcome to our booth on BUDMA 2023!

IRBEST in cooperation with Blower Door equipment manufacturer Wohler-Retrotec Inc., will take part in the largest international construction exhibition in Eastern Europe - BUDMA 2023. The annual exhibition will be held from January 31 to February 3 in Poznan, Poland.
At the exhibition, new models of digital gauge DM32X and fans for measuring air duct tightness in commercial buildings will be presented on the booth. Official representatives of Wohler-Retrotec in Poland will be presented in our stand.

Forum "Warehouse Russia" (St.Petersburg, Russia)

A representative of the IRBEST company, as an expert in the field of tests for air permeability of buildings and structures, made a presentation at the largest forum dedicated to the issues of warehouse and logistics business in the CIS countries. The Forum was held from 19 to 21 November 2019 at Expoforum in St. Petersburg.
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